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Tag: society


If nothing else, events of recent months and years have shown us to be rather fragile of mind, spirit, spine and character. But, maybe it’s not that simple.

All Roads Lead

The stories we live by in a society, and as a civilization, are a cross-pollination of narratives, derived from age-old belief systems, traditions, rituals, religions and literature, tempered and adapted organically by modern epistemology, pedagogy, philosophy, cultural context and the purely experiential. There’s an inherent, and perhaps predictable narrowing, or reduction, of the “allowable” within these structures. And because of an inevitable tendency toward identity and ideology, our struggles individually and socially arise as and when this unconscious mechanism is either unwittingly or deliberately used against us.

Evolution, Sort Of

Many have talked about how humanity is going through an apparent ascension, awakening, elevating of consciousness and other similar, speculative terms. I am certainly one of them, for which you’d find plenty of evidence in my past articles. But I believe now the idea requires some elemental grounding — and perhaps an alternative, matured perspective, given the events of recent history.