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Tag: consciousness

We Need to Start…

This is a common phrase I hear in podcasts and interviews with people who are aiming to enlighten, awaken, inform, inspire and shake-up the paradigms to move humanity toward collective solutions and peaceful progress. I think it’s important to approach all of these ideas differently.

Rumble Strips

Living in a society that is biased toward dis-ease and negativity, it’s an ongoing challenge to keep our heads above water, to avoid being mired and confused by intrusive and destructive worldly narratives, and to keep our inner guidance at the forefront of our processes, rather than an incidental escape or occasionally forced checkpoint.

Simple Being

Our modern world affords us a multitude of tools, methods and modalities with which pursue our aims, goals and ends — in virtually all aspects of life. The means, however, are far more complicated, distracting and misleading than we’d like to believe.

Just Drop It

You have thought that particular series of thoughts a million times, maybe more. Drop it. Let the river wash it away. Never give it another moment of your time, nor another erg of your life’s energy.