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Welcome. I’m Trance.

I’m a music artist, writer, and media producer. In this journal, you’ll find a blend of my poetry, reflective essays, and contemplative prose — perspectives and observations on this earthbound life. I share philosophical and potentially transformative ideas in an ongoing effort to discern what is authentic, real, and true.

I enjoy photography. I am a voice artist.

Read more about me here and here.

Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter on Substack to be notified about my recent writings, something from the past, as well as thought provoking videos, interviews, or articles discovered in my day-to-day reading and research.

Also, in addition to regular journal posts, I’ve started a sub-section entitled “Lux Colloquii,” which is an ongoing series of discussions with top-tier AI services, such as ChatGPT, exploring topics of interest and the concepts and ideas I write about.

In all things, amplify the light.

Solvitur ambulando

My first book is published! The Reluctant Pilgrim, Vol. I: Ashes and AscentNotes on Living Authentically & Fostering Inner Wisdom — is now available from Amazon (Canada, UK). Read all about it here, and here.