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Author: Trance

Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.

Our Voice

Our voice is a unique and powerful expression of our being, shaping and reflecting our thoughts, emotions, and actions, and it is our responsibility to use it authentically, for it connects our past, present, and future, and influences the world around us.

The Rebel Heart

To live fully and authentically, we must embrace vulnerability, heal the emotional wounds and external noise that distort the wisdom of our hearts, and reconnect with the innate power and love within us. Every moment offers an opportunity for transformation.

Rewriting Our Story

Rewriting our story is a challenging and transformative process. It is riddled with frustration and resistance as we confront outdated paradigms and acknowledge our role in creating this reality. Yet, true healing can only happen when we accept our past, embrace our full humanity, and reconnect with our hearts — moving beyond intellectualization and the distractions of the mind.