The forces of the universe support everyone, whether we like them, believe in them, despise them, fight them or love them.
Tag: earth
There is enough. Everything else is a lie. I need to remind myself of this time and again.
We’ve built our world inside a tiny box. We call it progress — this civilization of economies, technologies, treaties, and trade. We’ve been sold the idea that this box defines who we are, what we’re worth, and what we’re meant to do. But this box is not the whole world. It’s not even close.
Water… So patient Effortless The definition of flow Unresistant Shape shifting Life lifting Ever drifting Ease Outlasts the winds Escapes the fires Hides in the…
Start telling the new story. Stuff will come up — it has to. Pain and self-sabotage can become routine, an insidious trap that keeps us…