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Tag: farming


In an age of industrialized agriculture, supply chain vulnerabilities, and rising food costs, many individuals and communities are rediscovering the value of growing their own food. Living off a piece of land—whether a small homestead or a larger communal farm—offers not only food security but also deeper connections to nature, healthier nutrition, and greater self-sufficiency.

While this lifestyle requires dedication and planning, the rewards far outweigh the challenges. By integrating sustainable farming techniques, permaculture principles, and traditional wisdom, a family or community can cultivate a resilient food system that provides year-round nourishment.

The Homestead: Sovereignty, Self-Reliance, or Continued Dependence?

What do you really want? How often do you make the conscious effort to sit and let your thoughts be free for a time and to see what sort of inner guidance, questioning, answering, and authentic motivation may surface?

Many of us are feeling the effects of the ongoing “Big Squeeze,” wherein costs of living continue to rise while overall quality and standards are always going down. The costs of having shelter, feeding yourself, educating yourself, and pursuing your best life are, for many, being priced out of reach. As a result, many are actively, and perhaps finally, seeking alternatives, ready to alter their trajectory toward a different path. But what path would be best for you and your family?