I rebooted ye olde blog three years ago, after deciding to wipe it clean and start fresh. The few hundred posts over the previous years seemed scattered and disoriented, much like I was, and still can be from time to time. I’m OK with that.
Now, some 400 posts later, a mix of proper randomness has amassed. Poetry, wordplay, some science-fiction scenes… But, mostly, the observational, spiritual, life-chronicling and consciousness-exploring writings and musings — a living journal of sorts — that have become my regular style.
Retrospection and introspection are powerful teachers, but learning and wisdom come through application, with dedication, and focus.
I am grateful for the readers who have followed along, chimed in from time to time, and allowed me the arena to share the eclectic interestingness of life. I am grateful for the teachers, catalysts, wayshowers and idea-inspiring souls who have come across my path — in real life, and online.
I am encouraged by the growing community of authentic and raw content creators emerging. You create an expanding safe space for all of us to delve into the world of who we really are, warts and all.
I love it, and I hate it, and all the colors in between.
Write what you know, get to know who you are, and be the real you.
You are loved.
Solvitur ambulando