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Author: Trance

Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.

Conscious Resistance

The moment we engage in a thought of rebellion, of engaging in the idea of an enemy, or an entity to resist, is the moment we define and essentially create that force. In a very real way, life answers back instantly with a mirror of the exact thing we purport to be standing against. It meets us half way, regardless of the inputs we provide. Remember.

Truth Seeker

Truth seeking… It’s a multifaceted, multidimensional, multidisciplinary journey. Any number of deep, dark rabbit holes can keep you occupied for a lifetime, and yet nothing is noticeably improved. In fact, it’s much worse. Nevertheless, when you need to know what’s true, this is the inevitable process. Until, at least, the borrowed illusions and practiced delusions are exposed and shattered. Then, the truth is plain and clear and horrific and beautiful.


He sat on the bed in the basement bedroom, warming up his fingers across the inclined keyboard on the old accordion. Frustrated with the way…