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Tag: authenticity

Saving Daylight

We make time for a lot of things, usually unconsciously. Strange things, like struggle, worry, anxiety, stress and violence; for jobs, deadlines, tasks, superficial arguments, small-minded obligations; for another’s dream or ridiculous routine.

Dirty Hands

You may not always be aware of it, but all you put your genuine effort into is setting the stones on the path to desires and preference — or even your soul work.

Crash Course

All the rushing around and bumping into things aren’t going to ever add up to fulfilment and purpose. Incessant doing-ness is but a coping mechanism for the spirit’s unrest; rest more.

Vital Pulse

Life happens. It doesn’t question, though it seems endlessly curious. It doesn’t force, though it frequently shows immense, patient, world-creating power. It doesn’t wait, though it allows for the perception of time to pass.