We’re at a critical time in history when the perspective of a narrow, limited scope can do more harm than good. Though, perhaps it’s always been that way, but today, we have the benefit of massive research and analysis, measurement, science, data and information at our disposal. The problem, is the system or philosophy employed, and the consciousness underpinning the methodologies therein.
Tag: consciousness
Don’t let fear dictate your decisions. Not one bit. Use even the slightest inkling of negativity as a reminder that you are drifting from what’s true, and adjust your course. Bless it, love it, accept it, and return to the stream.
When you endeavor to grasp the greater aspects of how this universe works, you really can’t help but venture down a few rabbit holes — and really, that’s an essential step in learning discernment and embarking on an open road to wonder and discovery.
Is it better to cut costs, to live simply, and minimally — so to relieve the stress of needing to work harder, or to earn more money? Or, is it better to shift the focus to finding higher paying work, or starting, developing and/or growing your business — and thus, ideally, having earnings such that your lifestyle isn’t curbed or affected by money anymore?
If you’ve achieved massive success in the capitalism of the modern world, you’re probably ready to give away 95% of all future earnings, right?