When you are aiming to reprogram your set patterns and to elevate yourself toward gratitude, ease, grace and flow, one of the simplest — yet profound — tools at your disposal is an affirmation.
Tag: love
First of all, allow yourself to take a minute to sit with everything that is coming up into your awareness upon reading the title above.
Since about 2007, I have snapped about 1000-5000 photos per year. When I was working on photo or video projects, that number would probably multiply by 10. In contrast, for this past year, I’ve only had my phone for photography, so I am much more selective.
Don’t forget that the things we tend to be most defensive or insecure about those real, raw, unfiltered authentic expressions are the very things those…
To be loved
As a beloved;
To know belonging
Rather than ever
To be longing
Is it merely a question, or is it the only question?