We live in a realm where the worst of us can explore, experiment, and express their worst traits and character weaknesses — on themselves or, more often, on others. In fact, the only kind of “sin” that exists is that which occurs between humans. You may believe in and be concerned about concepts such as karma, soul contracts, and other ephemeral ways to attach yourself to others, but those who adopt and live by dark elements almost certainly do not.
Tag: narratives
Generation after generation keeps falling into the same cycle. None of it exists in nature, but you can bet that your nature gets weaponized against you. It doesn’t matter where in the realm you hail from, because they play this game in all cultures, societies, religions, financial, and political organizations. Wherever they can drive a wedge, there will be a scheme to play you against your fellow humans.
We all understand the fundamentals: the positive and beneficial aspects, as well as the traumatic and unresolved aspects and elements of our actual lived and perceived (imagined) experiences, are located in our subconscious mind. It is also well understood that our subconscious governs, defines, limits, or expands the scope and capacity of our daily activities, including our inclinations, beliefs, reactions, decisions, and behaviors. Whether we help or hinder our progress in this life is primarily determined by unseen forces and aspects of ourselves with which we are not readily communicative. So, how can we “heal” and resolve these issues, if any?
So, what is truly broken about our perceptual and experiential lens? What element is missing from our formulaic ideas and reality perceptions? What factor in the Life equation propels us so easily and effectively toward misguided and maligned expectations, intentions, and imaginations?
What if the sun is a local phenomenon? It sure behaves as if it is. How does that alter your perception of this realm? Does it make you cringe? Angry? Laugh out loud? Or does it affirm what you’ve suspected for a while now? It doesn’t matter to me. My purpose in this life is to shine a light on the lies, the shadows, and the darkness. In three words, it is quite literally to amplify the light. It is not to polarize, separate, and divide; it is to unify, intensify, and make vibrant and evident that which is real.