It doesn’t matter whom I want to help, or heal, or fix, or love, if I can’t do it for my self.
Tag: pain
A quiet place, lonely but not ever alone.
This divine life generously offers us infinite variety should we only be willing. It’s too common a tale that the persistent sadness mires the spirit and suppresses the adventurer.
I’ve certainly soaked in it.
You can keep trying to resist, but the mighty wave is upon us. Radical change is the prominent theme of the modern day, and you might as well learn how to surf; it’s a full-body workout — and good luck if you try to duck-dive through it.
There’s a phrase, or a variation thereof, that’s popular nowadays… Something along the lines of “…in these unpredictable and turbulent times…” said frequently with regards to peaceful practices, mindfulness, meditation, and standing up for what we believe in. Does every generation have their underlying, perpetual, victim-state belief structure?