TRILLIONS of dollars, yuan, euros, pounds, rubles, and other fiat currencies are funneled into the Climate, Pharmaceutical, and Military Industrial Complexes, siphoning our taxes, service corporation (government) budgets, and human resources, without accountability or transparency, year, after year, after year, generation after generation.
Tag: psychology
In March 2020, the entire modern world was forcibly, aggressively, violently, and permanently changed. Not because of a virus, but because of the concept of a virus, among other false notions and fabricated events.
What if everything they’ve ever told you is a lie? What if nothing about this world is as described? What if your entire frame of reference is fantasy and fiction? What if everything you’ve learned about human history is entirely false?
If you can really grasp the depth of the power of ideas, thoughts, learning, mind control, and conditioning, you will see how there is absolutely no need for any “virus” to exist for there to be a “pandemic”. No “contagion” is needed at all for many millions of people to become ill, or even to die.