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Tag: science

Something of a Phenomenon

What if the sun is a local phenomenon? It sure behaves as if it is. How does that alter your perception of this realm? Does it make you cringe? Angry? Laugh out loud? Or does it affirm what you’ve suspected for a while now? It doesn’t matter to me. My purpose in this life is to shine a light on the lies, the shadows, and the darkness. In three words, it is quite literally to amplify the light. It is not to polarize, separate, and divide; it is to unify, intensify, and make vibrant and evident that which is real.

Bad Science

In an era when we are increasingly reliant on scientific data and rational scrutiny, it seems we are concurrently struggling with the unfortunate reality of decades of stunningly bad science, fictional or unduplicated results, fraudulent studies, and a trillion-dollar, global industry rife with political and vested interest intrusion and influence. So, now what?