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Tag: spiritual growth

Lux Colloquii: Falling for the Trick

We’re not here to fix the world. Not really. The idea that we must engage endlessly with the problems handed down to us — repeating the same outrage, the same struggles, the same attempts at revolution — feels less like progress and more like participation in an elaborate, self-sustaining illusion. The trick isn’t just deception; it’s the mechanism that keeps us fighting within the game, rather than seeing beyond it.

On Soul: Enlightenment

We chase enlightenment as if it’s some grand destination – some final unlocking of truth that will set us free. But what if it’s just another illusion – another cleverly designed escape hatch pulling us further from what we came here to experience? We are told we must grow, evolve, transcend, but maybe that’s just another layer of conditioning – another way to keep us from realizing that we were never lost to begin with. Maybe the point isn’t to escape, but to fully be – to inhabit this messy, unpredictable, beautiful human existence without constantly seeking a way out.