“Balance,” she said. “It’s about balance, and this soil is not even alive right now.” She drove her clawed hand into the ground and closed…
Tag: stories
Insert Clever Title
11 May 2018 ~ < 1 minute read
I rebooted ye olde blog three years ago, after deciding to wipe it clean and start fresh. The few hundred posts over the previous years seemed scattered and disoriented, much like I was, and still can be from time to time. I’m OK with that.
Go Deep
25 July 2017 ~ < 1 minute read
Every time you are willing to go deep and dislodge some illusory story that’s been holding you down or holding you back, you create a positive momentum and energetic shift for yourself, and the collective.
Empty Matters
03 March 2017 ~ 3 minute read
When 99.9% of all we will be, do, or have doesn’t really matter, the least you can do, truly, is be of beneficence and uplift everywhere you happen to go.
The Battle Within
18 December 2016 ~ 2 minute read
In the midst of our internal battles, the answers often elude us — but sometimes, it’s in the uncertainty itself where the journey begins.