Throughout the ages, humankind has existed in this realm amid a persistent conflict or contrasting of energies, a master wave comprised of myriad pulsing frequencies of smaller waves. This simulated reality construct maintains an oscillation of lived physical experience somewhere on the scale between good and evil. Regardless of the civilization, era, or epoch, it appears an uneasy homeostasis is perpetuated, whether by conscious and obvious or unconscious and subtle means. Whatever the circumstance, whatever the reason, the evidence is clear that neither good nor evil ever dominates entirely, but neither do they secede.
Author: Trance
Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.
I am so powerful that I can use all the creative forces of this realm to make myself believe that I am small, weak, afraid, alone, and broken. I can also reclaim that power, always and in all ways, to liberate my self.
In nearly every aspect of civilization, we have reached a low point in modern times. The vaunted and respected institutions of politics and government, science and medicine, education, the military and intelligence communities, journalism and entertainment, and, of course, finance, industry, and commerce have disappeared. They are rotten to the core, with agendas, deceptions, and an obsessive focus on anything but the true, common, and good.
Imagine you came into a pile of money. Maybe you won the lottery, or perhaps you inherited some funds from a relative who passed on and left you a piece of their estate.
If you treat that money in a certain way, spending it as you need to and living off it, here’s a story to consider.