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Author: Trance

Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.

Alone and All One – Stories and Illusions

We’re all dealing with the same problems. We’re all subject to, and concurrently armed with, and informed by, the same natural forces. The differences are nuance, interpretation, wordplay, and perception. Our languages and cultures may color inside the lines in seemingly varied ways, but we’re all struggling with and striving for the same things.


As we go through the motions of daily life, should we allow ourselves a beat amidst ceaseless mental chaos, we can touch upon a stillpoint…

Popping Reality Bubbles

Being defeatist and stuck in victimhood is precisely what “they” desire. Their AIs, ad firms, public education curricula, corporate lobbyists, brainwashed activists, “truther” news sources, controlled opposition, and, of course, useful idiot robot politicians work tirelessly to persuade you that what they say on repeat is true about the world.