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What I’m Doing Now

This page is periodically updated both for my own benefit and to let the curious soul who comes by know what I am involved with and working on these days. Derek Sivers inspired the idea, and the Now Now Now site is a rather interesting and diverse database of others around the world who’ve created such a page.

Last Updated: August 2024

In recent months, I connected again with some old friends, and fellow musicians — brothers from another mother really — with whom I was a partner decades ago in a recording studio and media production company based out of the Okanagan, in BC, Canada. This month, we founded a new production company, 3MG Productions, with which we are first and foremost developing and producing an independent feature film called Butterfly and the Bee, a romantic comedy featuring a symphony of original music, as well as several other projects that will evolve and emerge in the coming months and years.

At the same time, Vlad Forgac and myself, partners as well in 3MG, have founded 4Mation Productions, Inc., and started development and design of a sci-fi adventure animated series called 4Mation Academy. It’s a massive undertaking, but I’m curious and excited to see what will emerge in the coming months and years.

Otherwise, I continue to keep myself informed while learning about the ways and discerning the chaotic waves of this realm. I will always strive to write useful, inspiring, educational, and paradigm-challenging articles for this website and update/revise my older content. Throughout 2024 I have been adding audio versions, deleting outdated material, and just improving the experience and information provided overall. I started the Sapientia newsletter on Substack. I do have plans of publishing books based on this material as well, including and featuring my photography.

Regarding music, I have been working with some of the music to be featured in the film mentioned above. I’ve always enjoyed producing remixes and look forward to being part of the team that will produce a world-class record featuring the music of that original soundtrack. I am chipping away at my own records as well, and have several in the works that just need a little time and attention so I can release them into the world…

Solvitur ambulando