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Tag: conscious awareness

What’s the Point of Me?

Maybe it’s just that time of year again, but I find that existential curiosities abound in the darker, shorter days of wintertime. I look at the world, and see that the majority of the dominant species seem intent on self-termination, while an increasingly awake and aware collective is emerging that might save us all from ourselves. I wonder, where do I fit in to all this? Why am I here? Who am I… really?

When You Listen…

Observing people and listening to their earnest conversations is a subtle way to get the pulse of a community, and a limited, but general sense of where the broader collective is currently at — with regard to conscious awareness, beliefs, moral consensus, cultural values and ideologies. It’s just information, but I invariably find it to be telling. There is always more to what’s merely said or shared, and I find it fascinating.

Minimalism, Maybe

Is it better to cut costs, to live simply, and minimally — so to relieve the stress of needing to work harder, or to earn more money? Or, is it better to shift the focus to finding higher paying work, or starting, developing and/or growing your business — and thus, ideally, having earnings such that your lifestyle isn’t curbed or affected by money anymore?


It’s generally understood that the mind can’t distinguish between what is imagined to be happening, and what’s actually happening out in the world (i.e., you benefit from either imagining that you’re working out at the gym, or by actually going to the gym). What if everything we’ve ever imagined having done or achieved has already happened?