For generations, we’ve aspired to an ideal of “world peace,” yet nobody really knows what that actually means. The truth is, we don’t know what peace is. We don’t know what it would take to have or maintain it, and we most certainly aren’t willing to do what’s necessary to make it ever come close to being a reality.
Tag: conscious awareness
I took my aging car in for an overdue oil change yesterday. I wasn’t expecting much, as the “quick change” places generally want to process and get you out as quickly as possible. I can see both sides of the argument: someone in a hurry doesn’t likely want to be up-sold on things, nor do they want to idly chit-chat. On the other side, if they’re busy in the shop, they need to keep the line moving.
It’s clear that as a species, we need the ideas of climate crisis, and global economic and political collapse. We require these seemingly insurmountable challenges to both unite us, and to force us to break through the patterns and paradigms that have brought us exactly and perfectly to this intensely catalytic point in modern history.
What do you remember? More specifically, how do you choose, daily, what is most present, persistent and generative in your active memory? What do you think about the most, revisit the most, ruminate upon the most, and thus live out the most?
Maybe it’s just that time of year again, but I find that existential curiosities abound in the darker, shorter days of wintertime. I look at the world, and see that the majority of the dominant species seem intent on self-termination, while an increasingly awake and aware collective is emerging that might save us all from ourselves. I wonder, where do I fit in to all this? Why am I here? Who am I… really?