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Tag: consciousness

The Familiar Face

When we look at someone, we instantly process their appearance, primarily on a subconscious level. We may find attraction, based on what is essentially an algorithm we’ve been instilled with and has itself evolved throughout the countless influences and circumstances we grew up around. Our parents, or primary guardians, are inevitably the strongest influences in what draws (or repels) us, naturally. It’s emotional, too, and magnetic. Yet, beyond the surface, what we cannot usually see with our naked eyes affects us, too.

A Greater Wealth

This world is oriented toward money. We see it as an ultimate means to an end, and many believe it as an end unto itself. It’s ridiculous; how can we pray to an ideal, or mythic, artificial construct that only really exists as an idea someone made up?


The more you move into and exist from within the energies of surrender, acceptance, appreciation and gratitude, the less those clingy, sticky, life-sucking energies can stay with you, attach to you, and have any sort of influence over you. You become slippery and unattainable to those harsh, vampiric, negative, spiny urchins of malevolence and you regain your creative resources.

Human, Present

It’s not always easy being a human in this world. It’s always changing, and there is a lot of damage (psychic, physical, karmic, spiritual), with generations of unbalanced energies to process and recapitulate. All this complexity, unfortunately, expresses itself in how humans treat themselves, other humans, and the earth—thus creating cycles of trauma.

What the world needs…

It’s one of the most overused phrases in modern times. However, what “the world needs,” truly, is for us to get clear on what it is we even mean when we say “world”. Do you mean all of humanity? The earth? Both? The Western world? The third? Whose world are we referring to with our grandiose sentiments? And how the hell do we get off speaking as if we have any clue about what the world needs?