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Tag: consciousness

Cover Story

The dissident voice, or truther community, has always been heavily scrutinized, ridiculed, and considered to be the lesser, ignorant, extremist element of society, where fringe believers of a vast sea of conspiracy theories, and seemingly outrageous claims about our reality gravitate toward and propagate. And because of a persistent smear campaign — meticulously maintained across all mass, centralized media sources since time immemorial — that keeps these curious, questioning, researching, investigative minds segmented and ostracized from the mainstream narrative, it’s only too easy to cast anything and anyone who dares to challenge orthodoxy, doctrine, and established paradigm into the same bin.

Radical Acceptance

There’s a clever mind trap that can inveigle those of us who are empathic for years, or even decades of our lives. The idea of caring for others, and the world at large is honorable, but the idea that we can convince or save or awaken any of them is almost always detrimental to our wellbeing. Reality is what it is, so we must be aware enough to pull ourselves back from the endless cycle of trying to remedy that which is well out of our capacity to fix.

Switch Hitting

I’ve been feeling the impulse this past week or so to change my approach, to be of better service to my fellow co-creators in the collective. It’s been an intense process of upheaval and integration this past year, and many of us have powered through, elevated our game, and grown up in ways we didn’t even know we needed to. So how do we keep that momentum building toward greater awareness, greater healing, greater empowerment, and greater resilience?