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Tag: epistemology

Soul, Spirit, and the Purpose of Life, Part I: Introduction

Language shapes our reality, influencing thought, emotion, and perception. Yet its deliberate manipulation has sown confusion, distorted truth, and eroded understanding. Words carry meaning, and when that meaning is lost or twisted, clarity fades, leaving us open to deception. To reclaim discernment, we must restore precision to language and uncover truths buried beneath centuries of distortion. In this series, I will explore the soul, spirit, and their roles in life’s greater purpose.

Bad Science

In an era when we are increasingly reliant on scientific data and rational scrutiny, it seems we are concurrently struggling with the unfortunate reality of decades of stunningly bad science, fictional or unduplicated results, fraudulent studies, and a trillion-dollar, global industry rife with political and vested interest intrusion and influence. So, now what?