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Tag: healing

The Mission

I often feel thoroughly in my element, and that I am on my mission — yet nearly as often, I get tripped up and frustrated by the practical things… like providing for myself and being able to pay the bills, so to free up my creative and conscious efforts, and get back to being a positive, uplifting, healing force in this world, at this time.

The Most Important Thing

What is it that won’t let you sleep at night? What is it that gnaws at the back of your mind? What is it that angers, frustrates or disheartens you?

none of that is the issue. that’s all noise, programs, the ideas of other people, the seeds of cultural norms and expectations… but none of it is your own voice.


I enjoy remixing and remaking my songs into alternate versions, once an album is released. It’s fun to strip down the song, usually to only vocal tracks, then build a new groove, and see where it goes.