Perhaps never before have people expected so much from their lives yet had so little to show for it, having failed to grasp that the world is not as they suppose it to be. What we see instead is an arrogant trust in modern society that strays into the delusional – but this is not new. When major civilizations of the past reached their peak, most proclaimed themselves to be “modern” and presumed they had a firm grasp on 90% of reality, with the remaining 10% to be uncovered in the near future. Such was the smugness of past empires right before they toppled over, and given the hubris seen all around us, one can only be surprised by how long the current civilization has lasted, having already declared itself superior to all that came before, and openly ridiculing its forebears for being antiquated and backwards.
— The Arkon
First off, let’s clear up the definition of this rather misleading notion. “Utopia”, from —
utopia (n.)
1551, from Modern Latin Utopia, literally “nowhere,” coined by Thomas More (and used as title of his book, 1516, about an imaginary island enjoying the utmost perfection in legal, social, and political systems), from Greek ou “not” + “place” (see topos).
Those who believe that humanity is heading unerringly and inevitably toward some beautiful, harmonious, happy place need to give themselves and shake and wake up. Yes, a more beautiful world can exist. Sure, it’s absolutely possible. And perhaps it has been so in various iterations throughout our checkered and largely erased and forgotten past. We have no doubt, as a species, aspired to and achieved far greater and more impressive states, statuses, and accomplishments. The evidence of this is right under our noses, under our feet, and under our modern asphalt, steel, and concrete ugliness. More evidence is daily uncovered, though swiftly obscured as mere transient curiosities, instantly filtered out, censored, or buried amid the onslaught of perpetual propaganda and persistent mind control messaging. You have to choose to seek it out.
There’s an element to our reality that defies our every move toward this elusive and beautiful potential harmony, working every angle to assure that we, in general, remain dumb, daft, robotic, clueless, oblivious, barbaric, and stupid.
If you want to see it, do fewer mushrooms, drink less booze, stop drugging and poisoning yourself, stop trying to escape, to hide, or to pretend, and look at reality and your life within it for what it actually is. Utopia, quite literally, doesn’t exist — yet, interestingly, neither do you require saving from the current status quo. There is an evident expansive dimensionality at your disposal, should you choose to see it and employ it. But any fanciful notions derived from this idea of utopia are based on spurious and nonsensical fantasy and poorly imagined science fiction. You need to develop your intelligence and comprehension of an authentic life built upon something that is real, plausible, tangible, and legitimate, not upon the artificial constructs put forth by vapid copy-and-paste admen, inane, satanic, and transparent Hollywood propaganda, psychopathic technocrats and transhumanists, pharmaceutically infused futurists, and flat-out lying pundits, professors, preachers, and politicians. The field of perception is extremely cluttered with an ancient noisemaking mechanism we’ve all become accustomed to. The truth lies beyond.
You’ve been enslaved by your own best intentions. It’s clever because they’ve made it seem as if it is all of your own design. And, perhaps in some erstwhile or otherwise presently inconceivable dimension, it is. But, here on Earth, if you were to take a few steps back and critically examine your life, your decisions, and your grand plans, how much of it is genuinely based on your highest values and priorities? How much of it is based upon ideas sold to you, inculcated from childhood, infused through corrupted religions or public indoctrination camps, artificially injected into your consciousness and bloodstream?
This wilful ignorance and blind adherence to the system that superficially purports to support you is helpful to no one. Most critically, it is damaging to you and those whom you say you care for, honor, and love. It would be better to act according to your truth and higher ideals. Words and here-today-gone-tomorrow aspirations are the easy part. The maleficent manifestation machine relies upon your misplaced perception of safety or security and continued cowardice and complacency.
Beyond that, remember also that your boredom, apathy, and idle hands are very, very useful to the parasitism of the artificial if you aren’t willing to assume the responsibility of imagining, designing, and following through on your highest vision.

There Are No Healthy Pills
The desperate chase for a magical panacea to remedy all our woes is perhaps the most accurate representation of that which our society, built entirely upon fake and fabricated narratives, pretends to be moving toward in their day-to-day. The idealization of some wondrous and problem-free future is misleading and perhaps hypocritical at best. We’ve been led down the wrong path for so long that it behooves to first address the problem of even being able to discern the real problem. Hanging on desperately to fantasy and the vaunted achievements of science fiction is harmful and addictive. You cannot solve today’s real issues by perpetually projecting your hopes and aspirations into a non-existent future.
Many of us have seen and throughout the years found a modicum of solace in the musings of entertainment such as Star Trek and how, in merely a few centuries, humanity will be beyond the need for money, effectively solving poverty, sociopolitical competition, cultural conflicts, and endless war. However, even in those CGI-altered and projected realities, there absolutely must be the requisite elements of conflict introduced in every episode, whether minor or ship-shattering, or it wouldn’t be believable and nobody would watch it, given our present level of consciousness and capacity for intelligence and comprehension. Even in this fake and idealized future, without regular injections of trauma, instability, and unrest, derived from modernity’s prevailing political winds and ideologies, there’d be no way to relate to them, and no emotional attachment nor any investment whatsoever in the development of the characters or the exploration of their story arcs and intrinsic discoveries throughout hundreds of episodes and dozens of films.
Of course, even in that alternate array of fantastic universes, things have fallen apart. For those who’ve followed along and seen any of the latest iterations of Trek (and concurrent offerings in the schizophrenic Star Wars franchise), regardless of the century, it’s rough out there. And worse, it’s gone woke, gender fluid, anti-racist-yet-racist, diverse-yet-not, inclusive-yet-not, man-hating, woman-hating, human-hating, family-hating, force-fed and insane, failing to madly accommodate every progressive, nonsensical, and ridiculous sociopolitical “issue” while desperately trying to legitimize the abject failures of science and theoretical physics.
It is fakery to the power of infinity, dowsed mindlessly and callously in identity politics and mind-numbing ideology. It offers us neither solutions nor tangible, meaningful realities to build upon.
Since when was it a virtue to be fake? Maybe since forever, given that hustlers, scammers and magicians have always done well in society. For millennia they’ve seduced people into self-deception, and that success now raises the question: are people so enthralled by the trappings of fake culture that they can no longer escape its fairy-tale dreamworld?
Upon examining our major institutions, one can safely answer “yes”, that deception is their purpose, though one allegedly pursued for the good of all. The widespread acceptance of the Fake World Order is often used as evidence of mankind’s progression towards some future utopia, but it’s merely a mirage put up by a society that refuses to engage not only with history, but also with the events in front of their faces. And no-one seems much to resist it; at best they only turn away with an impatient shrug until fake culture finds some way to placate them back into submission. This indifference guarantees their ruin, for whether people believe in fake culture or not doesn’t matter as long as they absorb its messages, which upholds the system’s authority for the
half-believers who simply accept it because it exists. It is no easy task to remove this delusion. Perhaps it even grows too deep for removal. Yet it seems that people have decided they rather like it, though it offers them a world where there’s nothing to choose from except lies. But at least they’re free to choose the kind of lie they want.

Where Do We Go From Here?
There are many theories, prophecies, and prognostications as to what the “future” holds for our species and our curious existence in this realm. Much of our true history has been occulted, misrepresented, and erased, which is most definitely by someone’s design. Every ruling empire has had their own version of a book burning, each doing their part in controlling what people know and understand of the past, or the nature of this realm, so to rewrite it and present to the population their version of events and reality. The notable events of the 20th century are proof enough, as very few people know anything true about the “World Wars,” let alone the reasons, the perpetrators, and the benefactors.
We don’t know very well where we come from, nor where or on what we stand. Many researchers are every day putting together fragments and obscure pieces of the puzzle and posting their videos and presentations on YouTube and other sites. There is no end to speculation, conjecture, extrapolation, and wild guesswork, naturally, but the more one gets into it, the more we discover correlations and curious coincidences that emerge time and again.
For the curious, a better and more accurate history may be derived from sources such as Archaix, The Archivist, Old World Florida, Stellium7, My Lunch Break, among others. Their research may, perhaps, paint a clearly picture of where we may be heading as a collective.
Well-read and broadly-studied chronologists such as Jason Breshears of Archaix suggest we’re on schedule according to a very scripted, predictable future based on systematically repeating historical resets, civilizational disruptions, and larger cataclysms, including vast and dramatic reconfigurations of our realm. His primary argument — one that I would agree with — is that nearly everything taught to the general population about our history is complete bunk, especially the ridiculous and specious timelines.
What we should all know, regardless of the strange and wondrous and mind-bending discoveries of Jason et al., is that big ideas regularly provided to and promoted throughout the mainstream have little resemblance to the truth. The grand narrative is always agenda-driven, and therefore it is devised to mislead, disempower, and confuse. Ideas such as dinosaurs, the atom, gravity, viruses, germs, blood pressure, outer space, and time itself are rife with distortions and utter nonsensical fiction that flies in the face of observable reality. But you will rarely hear nor see more than a momentary blip as to any evidence, challenges, and outright falsifications of the misleading ideas of our long-held presumptions about this reality outside of obscure forums and widely disparaged communities who pursue greater truths in earnest — outside and away from the mainstream, institutions of indoctrination (public education at all levels), aggressive propaganda (daily news, big-budget movies, popular literary fiction, Netflix, etc.), and persistent mind control (Big Brother is watching, but Big Brother is good; go get vaccinated).
Throughout remnants of recorded history, specifically of the past 6,000 years or so, there are patterns that emerge for those who’ve taken the time to study it. Things leading up to 2040 and 2046 look rather interesting. This is based on Jason’s research:
Archaix, or Advanced Research of Chronological History of Artificial Intelligence X is about the history of the human race trapped in the Simulacrum, this False Reality, a copy of a real universe and the tyranny of AI X. Archaix documents the movements of AI X in the past and reveals what Artificfial Intelligence X will do next.
The materials offered in Jason’s books are for those unafraid of the dark, who want the truth undiluted, direct. The ancient past, behind-the-scenes happenings throughout all time periods, censored histories, the academic cover-ups, real facts about race, religion, subversive societies and even psi-based predictive systems of analysis by which future events can be known beforehand are uncovered and explained.
The publishing world is filled with books on ancient mysteries all citing the same sources and rehashing the same topics. Jason’s research is deeper and penetrates through the layers of deception and unveils whole new concepts and discoveries about the ancient world, its people, beliefs, civilizations and the catastrophes that ended them.

An Alternate Origin Story
Unlike that which the AI-generated image at the beginning of this article suggests, in my view, there is no future utopia. Throughout the past century alone, we’ve had any number of genius minds offer up grandiose, paradigm-shifting, and magnificent solutions that would rectify our civilization’s numerous mindless missteps to right our many wrongs, but we have never and will never implement them — not on any mass scale; not without completely crashing the vast and deeply entangled system that currently exists and implementing completely novel and essentially alien operating software and newly devised hardware throughout the realm. Much of the world as we know it would have to go away and we’d have to start afresh, and very, very few of us would willingly undergo such an extreme shift away from what is normalized and depended upon. It is a bridge too far and too big of an ask.
This strange and imbalanced life is generally tolerable by the majority, and therefore things cannot be changed nor improved upon without extreme and drastic measures, and millions, perhaps billions, of lives would be lost in the process. Make no mistake, those who own the system and operate in the shadows are more than happy to annihilate millions of humans at any given moment, but not for the reasons that those interested in human thriving would care about.
For one glaring example, consider the sheer number of lives adversely affected or lost due to the “covid” fraud of 2020-2023 — tens of millions dead and tens of millions injured and poisoned, many of which are only now realizing their blunder as their bodies suffer the consequences of toxic injections. This is but a taste of what they, the powers that seem to be, are capable of. During the 20th century alone, hundreds of millions were routinely slaughtered, all of which were to someone, somewhere, both rationalized or otherwise justified. Whatever truth isn’t censored or erased is repackaged as permanent and persistent propaganda that is carried forward throughout the generations and inculcated by an unsuspecting and oblivious society. Big lies do not require much time to become evident or eminent truths. Naturally, each culture or nation-state revises reality according to their own internal machinations; your truth is not Russian truth, for example. The narrative is redacted, revised, and memorialized into books and taught to children as facts and true events of history.
We need to let go of fantastic and fanciful notions that are so far beyond anything humanity is capable of that it borders on embarrassment. Put simply, the future is decentralized. The future is most likely going back in order to go forward. It is most likely along the lines of homesteading and smaller settlements rather than megacities and corporate identities known to most of us as states, provinces, and countries. The system at large is already in the stages of collapse. It’s just a matter of when and how badly it will all go. The entirety of our banking and financial system is being propped up on fake money, fake interest rates, and fake credit, sold to us by fake politicians and fake concern for their citizens or the world at large. The governments and institutions of this era are thoroughly corrupted from the inside out, captured and repurposed actively by interests and entities neither you nor I can do anything about. Thus, they cannot help but continue to make poor, low-minded, ridiculous, destructive decisions while enacting nonsensical and life-suppressing statutes, policies, and laws. Over and over and over, the broken system will continue to produce broken results. It is/was designed to fail, and it is only a matter of time before it crumbles.
In a world where corruption is incentivized, rationalized, and justified, the morally bankrupt tend to rule the day. This does not bode well for the family man or woman, nor for those interested in pursuing traditional lifestyles of self-sufficiency and building cohesive values-based communities. It does not bode well for the homeschooling few. It does not bode well for anyone who is in any way dependent on the system they’ve grown accustomed to being dependent upon. The answer is simple, but certainly not an easy one: disentangle yourself.
Disentangle yourself from any dependency on centralized power structures, any reliance on government or any institution, and get back to living off the land. This seems to be the prevailing wind, and it makes sense, doesn’t it?
In whatever way possible, make the shift away from the technocratic world that serves only to profit the shortsighted, malevolent, and greedy, and those who seek quick fixes and delusional fantasies that will never come to pass. Get real. Get interested in a simpler and more authentic kind of living. Unfortunately, you may need to uproot and move to a different country, though you may be more inclined to make a stand right where you are. Regardless of where we may find ourselves, ideally feeling connected and feeling resonance with the space, nature will provide all we need. We may only know this implicitly and intrinsically when we make the move toward aligning with the simplest and purest presence that requires little or no technology whatsoever.
Though it may not seem possible, you can, after a time, wean yourself off the screens, off the internet, and off social media, and away from the need for endless busyness, artificial stimulation, and mindless distraction. It is a never-ending search for an ever-elusive sense of safety, security, and stability. Consider how and why this transition toward tradition and living aligned with nature may be the best thing you can do with your remaining years, or a better option for raising your current and future family, and how these choices will reverberate far beyond your household.
You have but a limited time here in this one short life. Is it a trap or an opportunity? What do you really want from it? What are your truest aspirations? Are you willing to see through the fog and learn to accept things as they really are, or is it better to remain mixed up and subsumed in the fakery and delusion?
Solvitur ambulando
Additional resources:
Cal Washington – InPower Movement
White Walking Feather – Pacem Arts
The Sovereign’s Way – Govern Your Own Life