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Tag: love

Out in the Open

It’s worth wearing your heart on your sleeve, courageously. The notion stems from chivalry, and knighthood, from Shakespeare and Othello, and like any idiom, faithfully adapts to us in our own perceptions and cultures and meanings, reborn and reborn again as language evolves.


“When you embody the thing that you wanna tell the world, then it’s over… because your nervous system will be realigned to that being normal.”…

The Stumbling Stone

It is the plight of the wayshowers to battle the winds of time and to clear the path for those who follow. There are no victims here; we choose our own adventure in every breath and between every heartbeat. When we opted for the skills and senses of the uncommon and elevated, we invited the necessary process of training and refinement. We all have our strengths, and we all have latent abilities and understandings that will have a time, place, and worldly purpose. The cycles and spirals of this dance will make certain of it.