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Tag: polarization

Man v Woman: Reconciling the Masculine/Feminine Dichotomy

I am sorry. For what it’s worth, I apologize to all women for the ways in which this world has been designed to cause you suffering from the moment you are born. Even institutionalized childbirth is a distortion of the beautiful, simple, sacred, and natural. Man v Woman is just one chapter in a vast, dark, and dysfunctional historical narrative. I, like all men, have suffered greatly as a result of it, though few would admit it or realize how deep the wound is for all of us.

It’s So Easy

It’s pretty easy to point fingers and throw insults at the fat, white, sexist, rich, ignorant, stupid politician.

But that’s only one perspective, and a powerful one that grants entry into the club. Bravo.


In every moment we are given the ability and the responsibility to choose to do the right thing… or not. What is “right” is a divine, unattached, momentary locus of you-plus-universal intelligence — not simply what might be culturally or socially acceptable or expected, not what your family, or elders, or peers would expect, not anything but the pure and blessed essential true-ness of this naked moment.