It behooves us to become aware of the many compromises we are making in our day-to-day living. It is harmful and spiritually depressing to carry on as if everything is alright, relying on coping and adapting to get us through. The world around you is doing it’s best to push you toward uniformity and conformity, and that’s why you’ll feel unhinged, edgy, frustrated, confused, alone, and directionless. That’s the point, so you will forever choose to defer to their authority, their priorities, and their values rather than sitting quietly a few times a day and discerning your own. It’s tyrannical, if not clever. Just pause more often and have a good look at what you’re being, doing, thinking, accepting, integrating, and acting out.
Tag: propaganda
Think about how often we see these issues presented and portrayed as enemies, threats, or inescapable and inevitable events that will befall the majority of humans in TV shows, movies, and other modern media: Infertility and natural birthing adversities, obesity and chronic illness, cancer, autism, and more recently, “gender dysphoria.” There are many, many more, of course, but these are five of the more prevalent, trendy, and popular — and massively profitable — concerns in the current era. One side continues to rake in trillions in profits while the human factor continues to suffer, to worry, and to have shorter, less productive, and unfulfilling lives.