There comes a moment when the noise fades — when we step back from the games, the drama, the orchestrated chaos — and we begin to see the script for what it is. Not just in media or fiction, but in the very fabric of what we’re told is “reality.” This isn’t about conspiracies for their own sake. It’s about recognizing the patterns, discerning the traps, and deciding how — or even if — we respond anymore. This conversation digs into that crossroads: the dance between exposure and exhaustion, clarity and chaos, truth and reaction.
Tag: psychological warfare
Those of us in the know recognized, in late 2019 and early 2020, that humanity was on the brink of another massive deception. Few, however, anticipated the sheer scale of it — or the fact that it would persist until today, at the end of 2024. The repercussions are still being felt, perhaps more dramatically by those who bought into the lies and disinformation relentlessly drummed into the collective psyche in recent years. There is a lot of hatred in the air, and those in positions of power have done everything to foment and fuel it — through words, actions, and policies designed to divide and inflame.
I came across an article by Arthur Firstenberg, titled “Please Get Rid of Your Cell Phones Now,” which got me thinking about aspects of this topic that I wanted to explore further. After watching a few YouTube videos on EMFs, particularly in EVs like Teslas, I found myself wanting more specific information – and, of course, I wanted to share my findings. So, I thought, why not query ChatGPT and see what comes up?
The Martians are coming!
No, they’re not. And they never will be. But when the fake and staged “invasion” shows up, and the governments of empire suddenly begin to disclose decades-old, heavily redacted “facts and files” about “aliens” and off-world visitors, you’ll want to be better educated about the true nature of this reality. The lengths to which the owners of nations and their citizenry will go to ensure obedience, fear, panic, brainwashing, and mind control are extreme, well-documented, and very well-funded.