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Tag: soul purpose

Dismantling the Shadows: Learning the Truth

The realm in which we live offers us an enormous amount of programming and conditioning that can impede and stifle our progress in life. At every turn, you may encounter new and more deceptive traps that will lead you away from your source of innate knowledge and wisdom. However, the path of truth is always present, as one cannot exist without the other. Do you accept their offer, or do you rise above?

We Should

So, what is truly broken about our perceptual and experiential lens? What element is missing from our formulaic ideas and reality perceptions? What factor in the Life equation propels us so easily and effectively toward misguided and maligned expectations, intentions, and imaginations?

Mining the Depths of Reason: One Man’s Journey

Over the past few years, I’ve done a great deal of harm to myself. I feel it in my body and I can see it in my face. My avatar’s lifespan has probably been shortened by several years, if not decades, due to the intensity of psychic, psychological, and emotional energies that have been emerging and culminated in the paradigm-shifting events of 2020–2021. The psychological warfare we all went through (and will continue to be subjected to daily) was undoubtedly a peak experience, but for people like me and those who are similar to us, this is just a part of the ongoing inner/outer mental/spiritual struggle that we face throughout our lives.

Rudiments: The Basics of Happiness

As you may know, I am a recording artist who has been writing, composing, and producing my own original music since I was about 16. Today, I am… older. I have a backlog of unfinished projects, albums, and random ideas. I’ve made notes for some cool music videos. There is ample evidence on several hard drives that ideas and inspirations were never in short supply, but the ridiculous amount of time that began to elapse between releasing products and creations into the world has increased significantly. I’m sure many other creators out there can relate.

Truth Seeker

Truth seeking… It’s a multifaceted, multidimensional, multidisciplinary journey. Any number of deep, dark rabbit holes can keep you occupied for a lifetime, and yet nothing is noticeably improved. In fact, it’s much worse. Nevertheless, when you need to know what’s true, this is the inevitable process. Until, at least, the borrowed illusions and practiced delusions are exposed and shattered. Then, the truth is plain and clear and horrific and beautiful.