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Tag: philosophy


The clock in the square strikes a happy chime signaling 10am, then curiously shifts to a monotonous, somber bell to count out the hours. Even the clock seems to be disaffected by the persistent agitation that is covid, sighing as it goes through the motions, perhaps emptied of the usual spirit that would fill the space here with communal bustle and hubbub. The fountain nearby splashes meditatively, layering a touch of white noise onto the atmosphere.


This collapse we’re living through has been a long time coming. Every aspect of our lives is experiencing an unsettling shakeup, and nothing will escape the pull of this singularity.


Desire engages the infinity of the universe. Our programs and conditions limit their expression and flow.

Chapter Endings

For a long time, I used to be calculating with how and when I would give or share my love, energy and attention. “What about my needs?” would inevitably creep in to my otherwise genuinely generous state of mind, degrading and demoting a caring presence into a transaction. “This is a one-way relationship…me to them. It’s all about them.” is another frequent scarcity-based belief, a condition, a program I’ve learned is not my own. I borrowed it at some point, and it has poisoned my process, my beingness, my authenticity in critical moments.

The Second Wave

There’s a lot of talk in the world right now, in September 2020, about a “second wave”. I believe this is yet another wishful, grand distraction, mobilized in an effort to further defer us from acknowledging the more prescient wave, however; the true emergence and infectious nature of what is happening on Earth is better aligned with our collective awakening, and the tsunami force of those tasked with exposing ancient fallacies, and clearing a path for the rest of us are, to me, the real Second Wave.