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We’re busy. A lot of us are mad busy. A lot of us hide in busyness to pretend to be on purpose, or to avoid actually pursuing one. It doesn’t matter. This article is about slowing down. It came to mind and felt important to wax philosophical about the pace at which we live, and the presence we give to our experiences.

We all value different aspects of life. These values change and adapt as we come into our own, when we grow out of them, when we move toward or away from external influencers, and as we mature in perspectives and perceptions. We’re born with an innate compass, and we’re served best in life when we regularly check-in with ourselves to recalibrate our sensitivities.

Spend some time by the sea and you’ll observe that there is a natural flow in everything, even the greatest force of nature on this fine planet. In a culture of alarm clocks and schedules and smartphones and distractions, we drift from our inherent pulse and wonder why we rarely find any rest…

I held your hand
A moment’s sweet
Time stalled and stuttered
My heart complete

Even within the insane and overwhelming, we can find wonder and surprise. We can fight and claw and scream and resist and we can pause… and observe the earthbound game in its glory.

In every heartbeat, a lifetime; a memory. With every breath, inspiration or exasperation, or aspiration and countenance. With every laugh…

Pause, look, feel, see…

Your eyes have it
The keys to me
Unbound and surrounding
It’s love I see

It’s a short stint of a journey, from womb to grave. The in-between is to the authorship of the aware, the rests before notes, the signatures of the contracts. Nothing needs wasting.

Look again.

Solvitur ambulando