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We live in a world that demands conformity, yet every moment of adversity calls us to break free, to remember the power we’ve buried beneath layers of fear and compromise.

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The saying goes, “Adversity builds character.” I want to expand on that notion:

Adversity challenges accepted limits and demands expansion, drawing on latent strengths and characteristics more aligned with our true selves.

Our society is utterly drowned in cowardice, fear, superficiality, and politics. We are at the whim of special interests, certainly. It turns the stomach and boggles the mind. We are more comfortable donning masks and fancy clothing, while we chastise those who live raw, free, honest, and real. Our collective character is lacking, and it’s starting to agitate the status quo… finally.

Our deeper knowing — our spiritual substance — is peacefully protesting our complacency, and the effect is nothing short of boiling to the surface. We’re tired of “their bullshit” because we’re tired of bullshitting ourselves. Our truth can no longer stand idly by. We exist today in a vibrational shift, an energy that will not go backward. It’s a cosmic sink-or-swim moment: either we fully embody the new story — authenticity, heart-centered action, intuition, unity — or we disappear. We can no longer simply play along with being played.

Therefore, adversity is an omen: an opportunity and a call to enact your soul’s will. Heed the pain and don’t be a stubborn fool. Trust and embrace the unknown. We inherently know right from wrong, love from fear. We have feelings and emotions as guidance, but we must release the spirals and clouds of angst to reveal the clarity beneath.

We are more. With every breath, love.

Solvitur ambulando