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Author: Trance

Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.

Rudiments: The Basics of Happiness

As you may know, I am a recording artist who has been writing, composing, and producing my own original music since I was about 16. Today, I am… older. I have a backlog of unfinished projects, albums, and random ideas. I’ve made notes for some cool music videos. There is ample evidence on several hard drives that ideas and inspirations were never in short supply, but the ridiculous amount of time that began to elapse between releasing products and creations into the world has increased significantly. I’m sure many other creators out there can relate.

General Intelligence

The times, there are a changin’. And quickly. Our individual and collective human expression, our story, is adapting, as it always does, but many are feeling disillusioned and disenfranchised by all the madness. The plandemic, fraud decades in the making, threw much of the modern world for a loop, the repercussions of which are still rippling out in all directions. AI is now suddenly in our face, in our phones, in our wallets, our offices, and our homes. Health and wellness is seemingly always under threat, by ourselves, and by manufactured extrinsic means, as disease, mutations, variants and epidemics are ubiquitous in the media. In this article, I delve a little into some of the main themes and concerns for our time, and explore perspectives, opinions, ideas and directions that may help to reframe aspects of our lives in a different light.

If This is All There Is…

As we get older, we are often reminded of our mortality, our fragility, and the inevitable end of this journey.

As relationships, friends, family members, and memories fade and fall away, we quietly posit and define chapter headings to our story. Every milestone initiates a recapitulation, as we inevitably, and perhaps unexpectedly, check in with ourselves. Are we living our real and true mission? Is this all there is to life? How much time do we have left?

What If…

What if everything they’ve ever told you is a lie? What if nothing about this world is as described? What if your entire frame of reference is fantasy and fiction? What if everything you’ve learned about human history is entirely false?