In my view, it’s quite clear in our realm that we have, by and large, and especially at the highest levels of governance, institution, and organization, been outmaneuvered, manipulated, and maligned, dissuaded, dissociated, thoroughly pushed away from our otherwise natural energetic, spiritual, organic human, and psychic expressions.
Instead of moving forward in unity in any meaningful or sustained way, with character, gratitude, and high intelligence, allowing minor differences and mere quibbles to subside, to maintain a healthy space for debate and division to be assuaged and averted by means of open and honest discourse, disclosure, and discussion, we have the opposite. We have lying, manipulating, delusional, narcissistic, greedy, power-hungry leaders who are seemingly instated and installed into the highest levels of government and the judiciary, as officers of megacorporations, and empowered as tycoons of industrial conglomerates. In the trickle-down from those corrupted higher echelons, we, of course, get the predictable manifestations of endless violence, war, state propagandizing, political upheaval, economic fluctuations, distortions, erasure, and extreme biases regarding historical record, censorship and redaction of true and real events in the present, and widespread obfuscation and derrogation of what a harmonious future for the human race could, would, and should hold for us.
The entirety of our reality is in a state of perpetual inversion, and we never really get a chance to catch our breath. Just as soon as one traumatic and planned, orchestrated, staged event has passed, as it is being proliferated falsely and willingly by the infinite streams of controlled, biased, ignorant, and mind-control-infused media, an endless barrage of other attacks and disruptions of varying degrees are perpetually introduced. The noise is seemingly effortlessly maintained by those who seem quite adept at outmaneuvering our better senses and knowing, forever staying a number of steps ahead of our conscious awareness. They operate entirely through our subconscious, our autonomic and unaware behaviors and mindless busyness, and our unwitting complicity, complacency, and multidimensional distraction. On and on and on it goes without a moment’s rest, and we wonder why most of us live with a chronic sense of angst, anxiety, and uncertainty. It’s a complete fabrication, but it feels and seems real.
Consider this quote from Walter Russell, circa 1951:
“We have been telling you of this coming decline of man for many years, and have explained it as the workings of God’s law which will not let man keep that which he has taken from another, and will not allow happiness and prosperity to come to any man — or nation — who has taken happiness and prosperity from another for himself — or itself.”
The things he describes seem self-evident. It’s obvious, isn’t it, that according to Natural Law, in order for there to be balance, our actions and our intentions cannot bring harm to another? What we do unto others is quite literally done unto ourselves. There is no real separation, though we use words such as me, you, us, they, and them. Yet here we are, in this time and place, in this chaotic space, constantly going out of our way to maintain perpetual imbalance. The focus for centuries, perhaps millennia — or for the entire duration of our present great cycle of existence — has been control, coercion, capture, and colonization. Our reality operates on base-level and barbaric rules, even to this day.
There is arguably no state nor nation that exists today that has not in one way or another brought harm to or taken peace, happiness, or prosperity from some of those who live now, or had previously occupied, the lands and space within their fictitious borders. Some parasitic force seems, once again, to outmaneuver us on a fundamental level, as if its intention is to keep us in this bizarre, violent dream state wherein we are the makers of our own entrapment, enslavement, and spiritual and psychic imprisonment. Is it all simply an experiment that went all wrong? Is it a metaphysical construct that is now stuck in a loop of forever trying to break the cycle, wherein little progress is ever made, because we keep making the same mistakes, before it all gets reset?
We have, each one of us, no doubt experienced this simple principle in our own lives. We’ve lied, cheated, stolen, manipulated, cajoled, coerced, or taken happiness or prosperity from another. We may have indeed felt quite justified in the moment and further maintained that justification through the hours, days, months, and years since. And we’ve likely piled on to that memorable milestone with further distortions of our better knowing, feeling, and spiritual selves, and we wonder why we age prematurely, or why our bodies get rounder, softer, and weaker over time.
If we can justify it once, we can always and forever find justifications in the future. We manipulate ourselves into these patterns and behaviors because little white lies and important life lessons are full of compromises, accommodations, and necessary distortions of the truth, right? What nonsense! The simpler truth is that how we do anything is how we do everything. And for proof, we have only to look at the world we inhabit today, starting most uncomfortably within our own home and our own family. It is utterly rife for moralistic relevatism and all manner of stupid, nonsensical, childish, inane, and destructive psychological, emotional, ideological, and ontological maleficence and imbalance. Yes, we’ve found ways to cope with life. But at what cost?
What hope do we have as a civilization if we as individuals are never to engage in “the work,” which entails facing our own self-imposed demons and brutal, soul-crushing, self-negating thoughts, patterns, and behaviors? We’d rather package up and project our brokenness, woes, and iniquities onto that son-of-a-bitch lawyer, ex-wife or husband, politician, religious extremist group, greedy bankster, brainwashed doctor, lying astronomer, deceptively clever billionaire, or hell, even Satan, because then we don’t have to take any responsibility whatsoever for our persistent state of despair and quiet desperation.
There’s a reason for all my pain, and it’s out there… And therefore, I don’t have to do anything — I can’t do anything — but stay here, to survive somehow, to work diligently on my misplaced sense of heroism and traumatic childhood wounding, to keep hold of all those unhealthy attachments to other people, to the past, present, and fantastical dreams of a better future, and to complain about how it’s all designed to make me fail, to vampirically suck up my life force, to make me feel small, disempowered, and rather useless in general. It’s that powerful, and I am that pathetic.
Sure, that’s one option. But as I’ve said a thousand times over the years, to myself and to you, dear reader, through my writings, my music, and my presence on Earth at this time, that is the Big Damn Lie.
Solvitur ambulando