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Author: Trance

Artist. Writer. Truth seeker.

How Deep the Roots

I’ve never been a confident man.

I’m sure there’s some elaborate formula that would shed light on the hows and whys: this gene, coupled with that circumstance, those parents, that culture, those schools, those books, that trauma, that success, these friends, those choices, those actions, and that value… multiplied by this belief and that evidence, equals this man?


Don’t pretend to be strong when you’re not. Don’t pretend to be tough and resilient when you’re cracking under the pressure. Don’t power through when you are anything but powerful.

It’s So Easy

It’s pretty easy to point fingers and throw insults at the fat, white, sexist, rich, ignorant, stupid politician.

But that’s only one perspective, and a powerful one that grants entry into the club. Bravo.

Mea Culpa

With focused intention and heightened emotion, the benefits are mutually inclusive. When we get past ourselves — let go the cultural conditioning of “me first”, and all the self-centered paranoia — we open the multidimensional flow; everyone wins.

Try Surrender

The anxiety, worry, and stress does nothing to help your creative flow. It not only closes doors right in front of you, it locks them. In this way, you’re convinced you need to keep madly seeking, searching, struggling and suffering in the “how” of it all, lacking the magic key.

Try surrender.