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Trance Blackman Posts

Invasions (Of the Mind)

The Martians are coming!

No, they’re not. And they never will be. But when the fake and staged “invasion” shows up, and the governments of empire suddenly begin to disclose decades-old, heavily redacted “facts and files” about “aliens” and off-world visitors, you’ll want to be better educated about the true nature of this reality. The lengths to which the owners of nations and their citizenry will go to ensure obedience, fear, panic, brainwashing, and mind control are extreme, well-documented, and very well-funded.

Yes, We Forget

Yes, we forget… The “forgetting” I am referring to here is potentially far more insidious, interstitial, and reality-shaping. It concerns our journey back and forth between the physical form and how, inconveniently, we are wiped clean of all previous knowledge and understanding of this place and the nature of what earthbound life entails. It seems that we are born disadvantaged, though a certain pervasive religious distortion has twisted this notion into the belief that we are born “sinners.” It’s important to recognize just how prolific logocide is in our modern world — that words are routinely repurposed and redefined to foster confusion, infighting, scapegoating, narrative manipulation, and mind control of the masses.

A Society on the Precipice, and a Divine Anarchism

It seems to me that governments of modern Western nations have become a parody of their former selves. That being said, I don’t recall a time in my life where anyone spoke highly, fondly, nor respectfully of those enthroned at any level of public office. Or, it was so rare that it was retroactively drowned out. Regardless, our society hinges on a strange and entirely specious notion wherein we absolutely and without question need a centralized power in the form of government, much to our continued frustration, polarization, and sociocultural angst.