If you want to reduce or eliminate your suffering and pain due to health issues, the first step must be reframing your perspective and broadening your understanding of how your body works. You may, in fact, need to throw it all away and start from the beginning, because the confusion, corruption, degradation, and general malefic nature of traditional, popular, and accepted information in this field is fraught with all manner of deception, disinformation, propaganda, inversion, and the perversion of what is real and true.
Tag: big lies
In my view, it’s quite clear in our realm that we have, by and large, and especially at the highest levels of governance, institution, and organization, been outmaneuvered, manipulated, and maligned, dissuaded, dissociated, thoroughly pushed away from our otherwise natural energetic, spiritual, organic human, and psychic expressions.
There is plenty of money, food, water, oil, energy, raw materials, arable land, clean air, space, and time. Why do we choose to believe all of the stories, fear porn, and narratives that contradict reality? Never before in recorded history has wealth been so abundant, or general prosperity so widespread. There are more billionaires and millionaires worldwide than ever before. So why are there wars? Why is there any hunger? Why is there an increase in suicide, depression, and addiction? How is it possible that there are homeless people anywhere in the world?
TRILLIONS of dollars, yuan, euros, pounds, rubles, and other fiat currencies are funneled into the Climate, Pharmaceutical, and Military Industrial Complexes, siphoning our taxes, service corporation (government) budgets, and human resources, without accountability or transparency, year, after year, after year, generation after generation.
In March 2020, the entire modern world was forcibly, aggressively, violently, and permanently changed. Not because of a virus, but because of the concept of a virus, among other false notions and fabricated events.