There is plenty of money, food, water, oil, energy, raw materials, arable land, clean air, space, and time. Why do we choose to believe all of the stories, fear porn, and narratives that contradict reality? Never before in recorded history has wealth been so abundant, or general prosperity so widespread. There are more billionaires and millionaires worldwide than ever before. So why are there wars? Why is there any hunger? Why is there an increase in suicide, depression, and addiction? How is it possible that there are homeless people anywhere in the world?
It’s certainly not due to a lack of funds, resources, or anything else that a human being could possibly want or require, at least for basic survival. So, what gives?
We can grow food anywhere, at any time of year, in any climate, and in almost any condition — for any number of people. We know how to replenish depleted soil, repopulate forests and green deserts (thereby rapidly repopulating all types of flora and fauna), and build all-weather, generational, self-sustaining (off-grid) structures anywhere and at any time. Almost any food crop can be grown in a short period of time, even a single season, and then regrown indefinitely once the seeds are harvested and saved.
The same applies to animals and livestock. Big Agriculture and the mainstream media lie about this all the time, especially when coerced and influenced by profiteering parasites like Bayer and their minions at Monsanto — who, of course, are constantly influencing your government representatives from all angles. Heirloom seeds are constantly under threat from these psychopaths and their legal teams. Most climate concerns are also made-up nonsense, as you already knew.
There is no shortage of food. Period. In fact, we — particularly in Westernized cultures — throw away as much, if not more, than we consume on a daily basis, from grocery stores to restaurants to the majority of your and your neighbors’ homes. It is undeniable, inefficient, and wasteful. Go local. Begin in your backyard. Most of us require only one meal per day (of real food) to remain healthy, strong, and in good shape. Try. Many people choose to poison themselves on a daily basis with simulated food products, filler junk, and diet nonsense, then wonder why they’re aching, tired, flabby and sagging, aging too quickly, requiring pharmaceuticals just to get by, and constantly stressed out.
Stop lying to yourself. Garbage in, garbage out. It is remarkably easy to get the proper nutrition (simple, natural, organic, single ingredients) into your body without ever looking at a food label. Start with adequate sunlight.

Water replenishes itself and will continue to do so, both deep underground and through natural cycles on the surface. All talk of shortages, droughts, and so on is either patently false, motivated by a for-profit or political agenda, created through weather modification, or not the whole story. Most cities do not provide pure drinking water, despite spending exorbitant amounts of money to process, chlorinate, fluoridate, and otherwise deaden the water that flows through the pipes into your home. We’ve had better ways for millennia. You simply need to be willing to look, learn, make changes to your lifestyle, and adapt. Small, localized solutions are always the best option.
Humans have been able to manipulate the weather for more than a century. Why do they constantly spray chemicals over urban areas around the world? Nature is perfectly capable of cleaning the air without our intervention. The critical step is to work consciously and collaboratively toward reduction, recovery, replenishment, and restoration. We’ve got solutions. We already know how. Nature always shows us the way. If they can create, fund, and proliferate non-issues like the transgender and transhumanist agendas, surely we can solve real-world problems with far less effort, money, time, sociopolitical harm, and malicious, persistent propaganda.
As many people are already aware, the concept of “income tax,” and virtually all taxation, is outright theft and organized crime. It’s an ancient, parasitic notion that delusional government supporters and employees use to justify their existence, claiming the need to steal significant amounts of the earnings of those who choose to play by the rules, or at least the rules they are aware of. Income tax, fuel tax, goods and services tax, carbon tax, water tax, property tax, property transfer tax, probate tax… Everything is affected, even after you die, and is siphoned away by the never-satisfied, always “fixing problems by causing problems” bureaucracy — which can and will print or otherwise create all the money they need out of thin air.
There is no accountability or transparency. The “debt” will never be paid, and the “budget” will never be balanced. It can’t be, because doing so would expose the system for what it is: a fraud at all levels. These are merely buzzwords and political jargon used to placate, divide, and confuse an ignorant public, to keep us believing that these ridiculous garbage humans are accomplishing anything worthwhile.
Anyone who’d dare to operate in the manner that governments and politicians do would soon be in prison.
Public education does not value or teach real wealth creation, entrepreneurship, or asset acquisition and protection. Academia exists to break the youthful, enterprising spirit, to conform the mind and body to repetitive behavior, segmented days, severely limited blocks of time for learning, and the application of uniform rules of conduct.
Today’s youth are sleep-deprived, traumatized by oppressive government overreach (e.g., plandemic tyranny and mandates), and bombarded with woke ideology, sex and gender politics, climate propaganda, and other fallacies and false narratives. It’s both wonderful and terrible to be so connected to our devices, unlimited data, and the internet.
No one needs billions of dollars. Not even millions. In reality, living a rich, full, happy, purposeful, productive, and fulfilling life does not require money; however, social and cultural programming dictates otherwise. How many marriages and relationships fail due to financial difficulties and contrasting values regarding materialism and wealth?
How many people will work their entire lives, exhausting their bodies and minds, only to run out of money before dying? How many people will always postpone and delay pursuing their dreams and ambitions due to a lack of funds or time, which is the true currency of life? I’m not promoting laziness, apathy, or being poor and dependent, but I believe this generation’s general malaise reflects issues we’re not admitting or addressing. It isn’t just one thing, but it’s widespread.
It’s All Connected
I could go on, but I think I have made my point. Every concern raised herein is easily disproven and eliminated. The most difficult challenges of our time are choosing our perspective, finding allies, defining and defending our authentic values, and deciding how best to proceed. Perhaps this is only possible if we can dissociate from the control matrix collectively. It’s very easy to be bogged down in daily rituals and routines, favoring the familiar and somewhat functional.
Children grow up fast. Some adults do, too. Many don’t. With so many levels of perception, narrative, sensemaking, and agency, how can we ever address generational issues? A minority of sociopolitical influencers can easily and indefinitely keep us caught up in polarities, differences, divisions, petty squabbles, and small-minded nonsense. Inevitably, one generation passes, and the same old problems persist. Is it even possible to break this pattern?
Today’s politicians work within what amounts to an organized crime syndicate, lying about almost everything, including energy production, climate action, and fabricated goals that harm businesses and the economy, erode culture and tradition, and attack family values; they lie about budgets and their supposed solutions to inflation, which they caused through their own policies; and finally, they lie about medicine and needless, deadly injection campaigns that are done primarily for financial gain.
Turn off the screens, log off social media, and go live away from their strange and distorted realities. There are no lies in nature. All they seem to do is become more involved in what we care about: more intrusion, disruption, surveillance, taxes, reliance on loans, welfare and handouts, and the proliferation of laws and regulations; more government bloat, less progress, stability, simplicity, health, and wellbeing. The more we rely on them, the more tyrannical they become, making the world less peaceful.
Real change can only happen on the ground, in our own lives, fostered within our unimpeded hearts, and creative minds. We can all take a step back at any time to catch ourselves in a self-fulfilling, life-damaging, or self-sabotaging pattern or behavior. It then spreads throughout the community and, eventually, the entire civilization. However, with so many ideas and influences bombarding us from all sides, we can’t always tell what should be the focal point, what should be valued, and what should be prioritized.
Everything about scarcity and lack is a lie. That might be the best place to start.
Solvitur ambulando