If you want to reduce or eliminate your suffering and pain due to health issues, the first step must be reframing your perspective and broadening your understanding of how your body works. You may, in fact, need to throw it all away and start from the beginning, because the confusion, corruption, degradation, and general malefic nature of traditional, popular, and accepted information in this field is fraught with all manner of deception, disinformation, propaganda, inversion, and the perversion of what is real and true.
Cartel medicine is a for-profit monstrosity that continues to inflict widespread and unrelenting harm, suffering, and premature death throughout modern civilization. Yes, some lives are saved by their efforts — usually in acute, extreme, or emergency situations — but this should be the most basic, foundational function of the entire medical industry. Unfortunately, it is not their central modus operandi.
Money, power, profit, and control over markets and sociocultural narratives take precedence over health, healing, and wellness in the realm of Big Pharma. Diagnoses, treatments, protocols, and management regimes abound — but no cures. Why? Because the body, as it always has, does the healing and curing. Their entire transnational corporate existence depends on positioning themselves squarely in the way of what is natural.
Any institution or industry with “Big” in their colloquial moniker is doing harm, whether in ways large or small, hidden or overt. In recent centuries, there has been a steady decline in the general character of man, which has only accelerated in recent generations, leading to endemic corruption throughout every last one of our cherished or vaunted centralized institutions or authorities — be it business, banking, governments, food, medicine, education, or otherwise. A pervasive egregore proliferates in all of these arenas of human interest, ensuring that what is advertised and promoted in the mainstream bears very little relevance or relation to what is, in fact, done in practice, provided in service, or manufactured in product.
Now, if we can grasp, accept, and comprehend these rather unfortunate and uncomfortable facts, we can begin to move forward.
Learn, Learn, Learn
Over the past four years, I have written extensively about health, politics, and the vast, widespread corruption that pervades modernity. Yet, going back many years before that, I’ve been doing my part to get to the heart of what is authentic, real, and true about this earthbound life. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I can, with confidence, offer references to those in the greater consciously aware community who have invested their lives into dismantling the big lies of our reality. They, too, are on their own journeys of learning, discerning, and unraveling the twists, turns, and distortions that pass for legitimate knowledge and wisdom in the public forum. They’ve faced criticism, ostracism, cancellation, censorship, fines, arrests, and even murder for their efforts. Yet, the wave of truth will never subside, even as it remains at the mercy of ancient and resilient machinations of malice that perpetuate monumental deceptions upon the human family.
If we truly want to thrive — in bodily health, emotional balance, mental acuity and prowess, ontological perception and comprehension, spiritual expression and liberation — and live fully in pursuit of our soul’s purpose, we must take full responsibility for all of these critical aspects, front to back, top to bottom, inside and out. We cannot leave it up to faith, hope, and trust — foundational concepts that are more often weaponized against us than not. True knowing is built upon a confidence that is rare and uncommon, forged through wisdom gained from trials, tests, struggles, and suffering, by a clarity of understanding gleaned through years of experience, research, study, and self-education. It is an embodied confidence that sees through all artifice and illusion, deeply and resolutely empowering us to know precisely where we stand, what we’re here to be and do, and why.
To attain optimal health, here are some ideas, suggestions, and avenues of research I’ve explored in recent years:
Brown’s Gas (Hydrogen is a macronutrient; George Wiseman, et al.)
German New Medicine (Our body possesses remarkable self-healing capabilities)
Terrain Theory (Bigelsen Academy — Holographic Blood)
Root Cause Protocol (All disease is caused by inflammation)
Root Cause Institute (Resolving the root cause of cancer and disease)
Weston A. Price Foundation (Wise Traditions — Eat real food)
Can You Catch a Cold? — Daniel Roytas
What Really Makes You Ill? — Dawn Lester & David Parker
The Contagion Myth — Dr. Tom Cowan
How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy — Paul Chek
Shifting to a New Paradigm:
Dr. Cassie Huckaby — Grit Natural Medicine
Dr. Tom Cowan — New Biology Clinic
Dr. Sam Bailey — A Farewell to Virology
Amandha Vollmer — Yummy Doctor (Healing with DMSO, Ozone Therapy)
There are many others, of course.
One of the simplest and most profound considerations is understanding and following a species-specific, species-appropriate diet for humans. For many, a disciplined dietary shift can quickly resolve numerous health issues. While it won’t be the final step on your journey, it may serve as a critical reset for your biological system, enabling you to rebuild foundational strength with a wide array of nutrients you’ve been deficient in or lacking. Equally important is removing foods that have always been harming you.
Listen to your body. Coughing or sneezing after a meal is significant. Mucous and histamine responses are signals. Gas, bloating, lethargy, etc. You get the picture. If, or when, you’ve drastically changed your diet, there will, of course, be a transitional period of adjustment wherein you may likely experience discomfort, healing adaptations, and elimination as things are, quite literally, flushed out of your system.
Our basic daily fuel intake is a primary energy source, alongside getting a good night’s sleep — every night. Then come proper diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, and other practices. Ultimately, it’s in your hands and your responsibility. No one else has your body or the ability to determine what will best suit your needs.
Other basic, simple, yet profound things you can do right now, and in 5 to 10 minutes daily: spinal hygiene (short version), and lymph drainage exercises, and “tapping” to help your body detox (got tinnitus?). If you have no problems or health concerns, you have lots of energy, sleep well, have a strong libido, get along with friends and family, and can easily move your body every single day, then carry on with what you’re doing! If not, this short list of resources provides more than enough of a starting point for anyone seeking real answers and proven, tested, lived, and lasting solutions to reclaim their bodily sovereignty, vitality, and enduring health.
But remember, change takes time. It requires awareness, discipline, and consistent effort. You’re hardwired into being and doing, thinking and believing in certain ways. Be patient and easy on yourself about all this.
What’s Missing and What’s Lost
Most, if not all of us, are in some way energy, mineral, and nutrient deficient. Fortunately, there are real solutions and countless ways to educate ourselves to remedy these imbalances and improve our overall health and wellness. When the body is depleted, it cannot serve us in the best way possible. Healing and adapting and detoxification become more difficult, and an entire industry thrives on our ignorance — on our search for salves, treatments, surgeries, quick fixes, and ways to alleviate and “manage” symptoms and pain. This is understandable, but we must be willing to confront the truth: this system is built on the premise that we are weak, broken, incomplete, prone to dysfunction and disease, and incapable of excellent health without the constant inputs and interference of external influences and authorities.
When we replenish and maintain our most fundamental resources, our bodies can take care of the rest. We need to rebuild our trust in that truth — and in the vast intelligence of nature and the resilient design of our bodies.
When you hear talk of “outbreaks” and “epidemics,” know that these narratives have nothing to do with a “virus” or “contagion.” These concepts are steeped in proven frauds, hoaxes, and myths. There are many reasons — some of which have already been outlined in the article — why people fall ill and many explanations for why groups of people may fall ill at or nearly the same time. Once we understand how the body works — and most doctors don’t even know this — these situations become clear with only a small effort to seek the right information from the right sources. In simplest terms, it always comes back to the body’s terrain, living conditions, surrounding environment, and inflammation. The research is available (the book What Really Makes You Ill, for one) for those willing to see with new eyes just how flawed and misleading the dominant story of “germ theory” and similar long-held belief systems is.
The simple reality is this: in my view, ALL vaccines are dangerous, poisonous, toxic, and potentially deadly. They are, in general, the cause of that which they are advertised to prevent. Virology is a 200-year-old lie based on repeatedly disproven “science.” This, for many, is not an easy reality to accept, especially for those who have undergone years of medical training, and, more importantly, the rest of the population who have been inundated with aggressive and pervasive marketing campaigns all their lives — those deeply conditioned to trust their medical specialists with absolute faith, deferring their body’s autonomy, capacity for healing, and overall maintenance to others. Whether it’s a graduate of conventional medicine or an alternative practitioner, the effect is the same: the power over one’s health is given away — often to those who are simply guessing at both the cause and the solution. Naturopathic, osteopathic, and other natural or homeopathic medicines certainly have their place, and they are a step in the right direction, but there must be a fundamental understanding that the body is always right, and that the body does all the healing.
The information offered here may be challenging to accept — or it may resonate deeply, aligning with the path you’re already on. Either way, it is just one step in the process. Consider it carefully, research it, study it, and empower yourself with the uncommon knowledge and hard-earned wisdom of those who stand against widespread corruption and disease-pushing mega-corporations.
Ultimately, you will find your way back to the simplest truths, the most natural ways of living, and, ideally, complete trust in your body, mind, and the yearnings of your soul. Every teacher and resource listed here is merely a step on the path back to your original source and innate intelligence. Don’t linger too long in any single arena of learning or study. Practice it. Apply it. Test it in the real world. If it works, great. If it doesn’t, great. Move on.
This earthbound life is short, and they’ll steal it from you if you let them.
Disclaimer: Thankfully — and obviously — I am not a doctor. I am a lifelong learner, drawing information from many sources. I simply don’t enjoy witnessing so much suffering in the world. It’s up to you to seek answers and solutions to your health concerns, as my views and opinions are based solely on my own perspective and experience.
There are many well-educated individuals ready and willing to help you broaden your mind, open your heart, heal your ailments, restore your vibrant health, and reach the next level — whatever that might mean for you.
Thrive on.
Solvitur ambulando
Further reading:
Lies are Unbekoming — An exhaustive resource of interviews and book reviews that many would consider counterculture, controversial, but are, in reality, delving into profound truths everyone needs to be aware of and embodying every day.
Christine Massey’s “germ” FOI Newsletter — 225 attempts, and counting, trying to get institutions, health ministries, corporations, and scientific bodies to show ANY evidence of “viruses”. So far, none has been found.
Surviving Healthcare — The title says it all. The link shows his top posts and if you’re in the habit of seeking truth, you’ll know you’re in good company.