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Tag: consciousness

The Second Wave

There’s a lot of talk in the world right now, in September 2020, about a “second wave”. I believe this is yet another wishful, grand distraction, mobilized in an effort to further defer us from acknowledging the more prescient wave, however; the true emergence and infectious nature of what is happening on Earth is better aligned with our collective awakening, and the tsunami force of those tasked with exposing ancient fallacies, and clearing a path for the rest of us are, to me, the real Second Wave.

The Blue Pill

It has been an interesting year, thus far, this 2020. I have to admit to feelings of a misanthropic nature. Certainly melancholy. It seems many of my fellow humans have indeed lost their senses. 

We Need to Start…

This is a common phrase I hear in podcasts and interviews with people who are aiming to enlighten, awaken, inform, inspire and shake-up the paradigms to move humanity toward collective solutions and peaceful progress. I think it’s important to approach all of these ideas differently.