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Tag: consciousness


Only when we genuinely leave the old ways can we truly move on. When we integrate the lesson, the experience, and the essence while disintegrating our attachment, we create fertile ground for the seeds of everything desired to germinate, propagate, and populate.

Time Thief: On Complaining

There are numerous ways in which we give away, lose, or are stolen from energetically, psychically, physically, and temporally in this linear world. We choose the ways in which to spend our precious limited number of moments, minutes, hours, days, and years exploring life and allowing things to unfold. But if we live unconscious and unaware, never present and never noticing what can be autonomic and automatic, time is literally stolen from us; those who are aware of and consciously manipulating the strings profit from our squandered talents and abilities.

Engaging the Nature of Things

When we think or talk about the source, we think nature, metaphysics, Abraham-Hicks, or the Universe — usually something woo-woo. Whatever you call it, it all comes down to the same thing: the ethereal energy that we use all the time, every day, every second. Aside from method, mode, and ritual, what resonates with us in order to grant ourselves permission to establish rapport with the heart of all things is all that matters.