After the purifying fires, through those episodes of energetic upheaval and release, we gain perspective and maybe even a permanent shift in perception.
Tag: emotional intelligence
In every moment we are given the ability and the responsibility to choose to do the right thing… or not. What is “right” is a divine, unattached, momentary locus of you-plus-universal intelligence — not simply what might be culturally or socially acceptable or expected, not what your family, or elders, or peers would expect, not anything but the pure and blessed essential true-ness of this naked moment.
Isn’t it fascinating some of the patterns that exist in our space and time? I think there are plenty of obvious and hidden layers of conflicting and contrasting energies we’re swimming in 24/7, and I think it’s time we establish some new ones.
There’s a point in every relationship when you finally get past the need to sell yourself, to show off your best qualities and virtues, and to bullshit a little about who you’re not really at all.