Many have talked about how humanity is going through an apparent ascension, awakening, elevating of consciousness and other similar, speculative terms. I am certainly one of them, for which you’d find plenty of evidence in my past articles. But I believe now the idea requires some elemental grounding — and perhaps an alternative, matured perspective, given the events of recent history.
Tag: evolution
What is the first thing you do in the morning? Even before you roll over or sit up, what are the things inundating your awakening mind?
I take in a lot of information from a lot of different sources. I try to remain open to things that aren’t immediately interesting, exciting to learn about or explore — such as contrasting perspectives that feel “off” or otherwise grind against my sensibilities, values, or beliefs.
Isn’t it strange that our laws and statutes are enacted to allegedly protect the majority from the vastly less significant minority — primarily those of a criminal propensity or distorted character — who would engage in or profit from exploiting an otherwise open system of commerce, education and governance?