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Tag: habits

How Much is Enough?

There have been times in my life when days were extremely long and I was completely exhausted from work. That was something I enjoyed for a while. But my life inevitably returns to this default structure, covering the essentials, and I believe that right now that is enough.

Minimalism, Maybe

Is it better to cut costs, to live simply, and minimally — so to relieve the stress of needing to work harder, or to earn more money? Or, is it better to shift the focus to finding higher paying work, or starting, developing and/or growing your business — and thus, ideally, having earnings such that your lifestyle isn’t curbed or affected by money anymore?

The Daily Practice

You’ve learned a lot about a lot of different things. You’ve sought the gems hidden within scriptures, esoteric and mystic channelings, educational texts, novels of fiction, memoirs and autobiographies, and the endless stream of podcasts, videos and films.


If you’re truly interested in it — an art form or skill, another language, a stronger, healthy body or mind, a trade, fixing an engine, travel, coding, reading more books, sailing, film stunts, special FX makeup, building CG worlds, scoring a film like John Williams, writing a script or novel — make it a part of your life, or it’ll remain apart from it.