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Tag: humanity

Unpredictable and Turbulent

There’s a phrase, or a variation thereof, that’s popular nowadays… Something along the lines of “…in these unpredictable and turbulent times…” said frequently with regards to peaceful practices, mindfulness, meditation, and standing up for what we believe in. Does every generation have their underlying, perpetual, victim-state belief structure?


Being a motivator, instigator, sparkler, inspirer, agitator, uplifter, goader, heart-connector, IS your purpose.


We really are in a phase of etheric housecleaning. The collective is moving onward and upward, but the baggage and dense weight of what-has-been is keeping much of the vessel of humanity submerged.


When you pursue your creations and inspirations with unabashed passion and intense focus, it multiplies your beneficence to the collective; when you are “out of…

Out in the Open

It’s worth wearing your heart on your sleeve, courageously. The notion stems from chivalry, and knighthood, from Shakespeare and Othello, and like any idiom, faithfully adapts to us in our own perceptions and cultures and meanings, reborn and reborn again as language evolves.