I never understood the urge to belong to something that didn’t matter — to chase trends, fit in, or mold myself into someone else’s idea of acceptable. Even as a kid, it seemed clear: most of what passed for “normal” was just noise, distracting us from who we could actually become.
Tag: individuality
Committing to the unusual, uncommon, or seemingly impractical life can feel like a very weird thing to do. But as you start going down your natural path, daring to enter the arena of your preference, you’ll find very quickly that there are a lot of people in there already!
We carry unseen weights through life — fears, doubts, and beliefs that were never truly ours. Caught in contradictions, we struggle until we pause long enough to feel the deeper truth beneath the chaos. In this quiet alignment, the true journey begins.
Being a motivator, instigator, spark, inspirer, agitator, uplifter, goader, and heart-connector is your purpose. Wayshowers aren’t bound by existing paradigms or career paths — that’s…
Our voice is a unique and powerful expression of our being, shaping and reflecting our thoughts, emotions, and actions, and it is our responsibility to use it authentically, for it connects our past, present, and future, and influences the world around us.