There is plenty of money, food, water, oil, energy, raw materials, arable land, clean air, space, and time. Why do we choose to believe all of the stories, fear porn, and narratives that contradict reality? Never before in recorded history has wealth been so abundant, or general prosperity so widespread. There are more billionaires and millionaires worldwide than ever before. So why are there wars? Why is there any hunger? Why is there an increase in suicide, depression, and addiction? How is it possible that there are homeless people anywhere in the world?
Tag: lack
If I were to guess what my father has spent on lottery tickets over the years, the numbers get interesting. The psychology behind lottery and gambling is interesting, too.
Stop working from the perspective of lack.
There’s a well established undercurrent in the world today that’s based on the mechanics of control and fear — as is anything that fosters feelings of wanting, needing, and separation.
We live in a world that constantly invites us to measure ourselves against external standards — wealth, success, appearance, relationships — yet none of these truly define who we are. These illusions act as mirrors, reflecting the stories we’ve been told to believe, not the truth of our infinite potential.