Think about how often we see these issues presented and portrayed as enemies, threats, or inescapable and inevitable events that will befall the majority of humans in TV shows, movies, and other modern media: Infertility and natural birthing adversities, obesity and chronic illness, cancer, autism, and more recently, “gender dysphoria.” There are many, many more, of course, but these are five of the more prevalent, trendy, and popular — and massively profitable — concerns in the current era. One side continues to rake in trillions in profits while the human factor continues to suffer, to worry, and to have shorter, less productive, and unfulfilling lives.
We are invested heavily in our perspectives and perceptions, which is only natural. The trouble is that these very fundaments of our psychological, philosophical, and sociopolitical identity have been weaponized against us. The values and priorities we explore and pursue are generally handed down, or otherwise inculcated into our psyches, rather than summoned and fostered from the indomitable spirit within. We are conditioned to accept ideas and inspirations and motivations from without, rather than to heed the small, still voice, perhaps the only true voice, from inside us. Through that process of repetitive disconnect and disarray, we progress through our lives in unconscious and disconnected ways, bumping into each other, blaming each other, fighting each other over the scraps of purpose and meaning we can still manage to sense or define. There are reasons for this sub-standard of living, and explanations for our flailing about in spiritual and philosophical discontent.
It’s interesting, and absolutely critical to understand, that the sources of the solutions being offered — medical, synthetic, technological, even political — are also the ones that caused these issues. All of these exigent threats to our society and well-being are in whole or in significant part caused by and are being perpetuated for profit and political and financial control by governments via the pharmaceutical industry; by the medical industrial complex, the same malevolent entity behind widespread mind control and psychological warfare, partnering, of course, with the military industrial complex, feeding into their worldwide conglomerate business model.
Multiple mental short circuits make everything fit into a preventative techno-medical paradigm with therapies for everyone and every situation. Implantable devices will become a mode of prevention thanks to the constant monitoring of what will be considered health conditions within predetermined parameters and algorithmic calculations. Assisted reproduction techniques become a therapy, even if they do not cure infertility and even if they were never developed with this purpose, but to design human beings with certain characteristics. The cryopreservation of gametes becomes a preventive practice to deal with possible infertility, which given the environmental pollution conditions will be increasingly on the increase. The mRNA or recombinant DNA gene sera become a preventive therapy for every pathology, including cancer.
It’s a vast network of both compartmented and integrated industries and institutions that carry on with reckless and feckless abandon, running roughshod across nature, the natural human, pursuing the artificial and technological disencumbrances of purported nasties and insurmountable human frailties and weaknesses rather than simply disappearing from existence and leaving us the hell alone. No, these mechanistic behemoths, founded on Scientism (i.e., one part research, logic and reason, 99 parts financial and political interests), can only ever proceed in one direction, that of eventual self-annihilation. But in their eyes they can do no harm, for this is their chosen and funded path, their burden, and their sacrifice. This is simply institutional blindness and outright hubris. Nothing more.
But here’s the key point, the one central and critical aspect to this argument that most of us will never even consider: none of these issues need to exist. NONE. They do not exist in nature. They are fabricated, induced and propagated throughout our civilization continuously through organized, systematized, protocolized, and extremely well-funded agenda seekers and their corporate, banking, political, and myriad deceptively cloaked and masked special interests. On the ground level, our food, water, and living environments today — especially around city centers — are not best suited to human health, psychologically, emotionally, and physiologically. But, hey, now there’s an app for that, a pill for that, a surgery for that, or a treatment regime for that, right? Have you ever wondered why that is?
Calley Means, pharmacist and co-founder of Truemed, drops some amazing facts on how bureaucrats, academics, and politicians profit from you being sick!
1.) 80% of The American Academy of Pediatrics’ funding comes from Big Pharma
2.) 75% of FDA funding comes from pharmaceutical companies, not taxpayers
3.) Big Pharma funds over 50% of all TV news
4.) The healthcare industry provides 5X more funding for political campaigns than the oil industry…
— Ben Swann post on X (there are 12 key points)
In the U.S., Big Pharma quite literally runs the show. Unfortunately, their influences spill over into many other nations and inform top-down medical policies — such as in Canada, the UK, Australia, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and all the rest. This is how the covid fraud was so effectively carried out. It’s a network of multi-national corporations operating in tandem, casting a wide net across all of modernity, influencing, coercing, bribing, and lobbying policymakers and health professionals of all levels to fall in line with the grand deception.
The US has a medical cartel that works with regulatory agencies and official institutions to impose poisons on the public, charge outrageous prices, cooperate with business cartels to block alternatives, and promote addiction and ill health. The interventions in the sector are legion, from licensing to employer mandates to mandated benefits packages to government funding to financial support from patent-protected and indemnified pharmaceutical companies that fund and control the very agencies that are supposed to regulate them.
The signs and symbols of market economics still exist but in a highly distorted way that makes independent medical practice nearly impossible. It’s not socialism and it’s not capitalism but something else, like a privately-owned medical cartel that works hand in glove with coercive power at public expense. And the coercion is not about promoting health but promoting subscription-based dependency on pharmaceuticals, which have evaded normal liabilities that would otherwise pertain in a genuine marketplace.
Put simply, the system, when examined with a critical and objective eye, isn’t designed to promote basic human health, thriving, community, and true human genius. It is partitioned and atomized into a sea of technocratic fallacies and fantasies aiming to keep pushing us away from our vastly superior mind, body, and spiritual substance; to keep driving a wedge and expanding the gap between the perfect and complete design of our organic, conscious, and aware human beingness into a transhumanist, digital, and soulless — and wholly controllable, manipulable, and marketable — domain.
In my view, neither a human nor our consciousness can be reduced to ones and zeros, regardless of the seeming capabilities of so-called artificial intelligence, or quantum computing, which are anything but what they’re advertised to be. We cannot be quantified by any mathematical standard, nor calculated and contained by any algorithm — much to their consternation, no doubt. While this realm may indeed be little more than an impressive simulation, the desperate and greedy efforts of machine minds are a zero-sum cause that ultimately leaves nothing of real substance behind. And perhaps that is the point.

Educate yourself. Be empowered by looking directly at their fake darkness, their twisting and distorting of ethics and morality. Recognize and discern the false, fabricated, and manufactured narrative for what it is; observe, but do not absorb. It’s all made up. It’s all unnecessary. It’s all fakery and fraud. It is psychological abuse and emotional assault. But it isn’t easy to simply turn away and pretend the programming and indoctrination haven’t in some way affected you — or someone you care about — on a fundamental level. To undo and deprogram oneself requires awareness and discipline. Most of us would rather just go about our business, our day-to-day, and our well-established routine, quietly desperate for something to change, while unconsciously admitting an unspoken powerlessness that doesn’t exist.
In the absence of tension for the truth, society can only be supported by lies, as Simone Weil teaches. Truth is the existential foundation of humanity, its disintegration runs parallel with the disintegration of society.
From the siege on bodies and on the living in its most intimate processes we arrive at the siege of reality itself. The great battle today is for the very existence of reality. The point of no return is closer than ever, but when we get there many will not be aware of it. What was accepted by most today will be the necessary condition for what will be accepted tomorrow.
The agenda is vast and pervasive but hinges entirely on our fear, ignorance, and apathy. They work very diligently to normalize all manner of nonsense, deception, reality distortion, and malevolent schemes. Don’t let them.
Solvitur ambulando